About organic hemp textile
Hemp organic textiles are a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional textiles. Hemp organic textile refers to a type of fabric made from the fibers of the stalks of the cannabis sativa plant that has been grown and processed using organic farming methods. Hemp fibers are the longest and strongest of all natural fibers.
Hemp is known for its strength, breathability, and softness. Suitable for apparel and accessories. It has a lower environmental impact than synthetic textiles. It is naturally resistant to pests and requires less water than other crops. It is grown without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or GMOs.
Hemp is a niche crop and the limited supply of raw hemp material can lead to higher prices. Hemp fibers are more difficult to process than other fibers, adding to the cost.
The growth and production of hemp has an interesting global history. In many countries it was an illegal product due mainly to it production from the cannabis sativa plant and alignment with marijuana. The growth of hemp as a legal and viable market is now largely global.
THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. It is the main ingredient in marijuana that causes people to feel “high” or intoxicated. When hemp products are labelled as 'THC-free', as are our hemp backpacks, it means that the product has been tested and found to have no measurable THC, making it safe for those who want to avoid the psychoactive effects of THC. does not contain any THC.